Saturday, November 30, 2013

Strat's 20 of 2012

2012 mirrored 1999 in some rather interesting ways - it started off slow and picked up the pace and highly anticipated second trilogies by well-respected filmmakers meet with good box office, but disappointing fan reactions.  That said, putting the 2012 list together was an exercise in deciding what got left off. Notable films that didn't make it were Amour, Magic Mike, The Sessions and Ted (go ahead and laugh).

20. Amazing Spider-Man (action)
I was ready to write this off as re-boot with no business being made. Then I realized Andrew Garfield managed to find a portrayal of Peter Parker that is both vulnerable and bold.

19. Frances Ha (drama)
This is a film that I was not exactly looking for as a "ooh I have to see it" from the ads or the recommends on Netflix. That said, it's a great film. An honest film about friendships and love and growing up in your late 20s.

18. Skyfall (action drama)
What happens when someone decides to make one of the most visual Bond films ever? What happens when you actually think Bond could be broken or that he really exists? You get awesomeness.

17. Wreck-It Ralph (animated comedy)
It's about time that someone brought the video game world to the big screen without trying to make it about the video games.  The filmmakers here triumphantly went for substance much deeper than the 8-bit pixels.

16. Looper (sci-fi)
It's not often than you see a single, but complex story executed with such precision and depth that it is a moving and exciting experience. Kudos to getting this story made.

15. Django Unchained (western)
The star of this film isn't Jamie Foxx or Leonardo DiCaprio.  That honor is bestowed to Tarantino for delivery another sharp, clever, written performance to an otherwise tired genre.

14. Hitchcock (drama)
It only makes sense that the "Master of Suspense" himself was a creepy, strange fellow.  It's part bio pic, part horror film.  All excellent.

13. The Master (drama)
No, this movie has NOTHING to do with Scientology.  What is Scientology you say?  Watch this film.  For once, a film that shows the genesis of how a spiritual following starts.

12. Cloud Atlas (sci-fi)
One of the most intriguing films I've seen in years.  Not to mention actors in roles you would not ever imagine.  I mean Halle Berry as a man? Come on.  It's part Matrix, part Tree of Life.

11. Brave (animated adventure)
I would never have watched it based on the trailers, but the film shows it's much better than that.  With fantasy and fun suitable for small children and mature themes for the older audience.

10. Safety Not Guaranteed (sci-fi/comedy)
This is one of the more touching and funny films of the year. Aubrey Plaza's dry delivery mixes perfectly with the absurdity of her time traveling partner.

9. End of Watch (drama/thriller)
The most intense, thrilling cop film I've seen since Training Day.  With the decision to intermix "found footage" with traditional cinema techniques, it takes on a fresh vibrant life of it's own.

8. Indie Game: The Movie (documentary)
It might be about the independent video game developer world, but it's difficult to not see connections with their struggles and that of anyone else in the creative side of the entertainment industry.

7. Flight (drama)
Yes, it's a movie about addiction.  Yes, it's about a crazy airline crash.  But unlike an actual flight, this film is about the journey much more than the destination.

6. Ruby Sparks (comedy/drama)
One of the sweetest and definitely darkest romantic comedy I've ever seen.  There are a lot of opportunities for this movie to have taken a well worn direction, but it never ceases to find something interesting and insightful.

5. To Rome With Love (comedy)
Just when people were starting to write off Woody, he churns out 3 great movies in 5 years.  As daring as some of his early work was at the time, it's become evident that while not that daring anymore he has an innate ability to do what many filmmakers fail to recall - tell an good story.

4. 21 Jump Street (action/comedy)
This movie jumped up and surprised me.  I really had not considered how much the high school culture itself has changed in the last 10 years until I saw the dots connected in this surprising remake of the old TV series.

3. Searching For Sugarman (documentary)
If you don't know what this movie is about, don't look it up.  It will make the movie THAT much more surprising and moving. Not that it needs much help.  Certainly one of the most uplifting movies that you'll ever see - and it's a true story!

2. Silver Linings Playbook (comedy/drama)
Just great writing and great acting just chewing through scenes; always taking the unconventional road. Up and down as much as someone with bi-polar.  Good thing that's part of the story.

1. Argo (drama)
It's your classic historical drama. Like Flight, it's a story that is about the journey rather than the destination.  What makes this that much better is that the story is so insane, it has to be true.  Fortunately it is.

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