20. Monster
There are two things wrong with this movie. The title makes the leads seem bad and the leads look like the title. It's good. Scary good. But seriously guys, this is not the sexy Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci you were looking for. Beware.
19. Cold Mountain
You just think you might be seeing an artsy movie, but it gets better than it. There is some real honesty in the performances, esp by Renee Zelwegger. Of course, having Natalie Portman in the movie doesn't hurt.
18. Last Samurai
(action drama)
Now this movie reminds me of Dances With Wolves
. Foreign military man in an unknown culture that he fights as his enemy and then becomes a close ally to. Movie works for me except for the very obligatory romantic relationship between Tom Cruise and the sister of the leader of the rebel Samurai. Ed Zwick in good form.
17. Dummy
Yes, but not a dumb movie. Adrien Brody stars with Milla Jovovich in this quirky comedy about a man who expresses himself through his puppet. Milla is great in this movie. You keep wondering - was this the same actor who is in the Resident Evil
movies?? Entertaining.
16. Kill Bill Vol. 1
(action comedy)
Wow. Tarantino can do something that's not dialogue driven. Love the blend of action, 70s kitsch and good drama. Too bad Vol 2 was a complete misfire.
15. Fog of War
A film that deals with JFK's Sec of State John McNamara. Lots of revealing info about the early cold war and insight into the politics behind the scenes at the White House in the 60's.
14. Matchstick Men
Nick Cage was Awesome in this movie. It was like Ocean's 11
without feeling like a rehash. Not at all what I would normally call a Ridley Scott movie, sans Thelma and Louise
. But this movie was about being slick, hip, and fun.
13. Seabiscuit
(sports drama)
If you would have told me that this movie would make my top 20 before I saw it, I would've laughed at you. But this movie is like the title horse - an underdog and in the end, a winner.
12. Bend it Like Beckham
(sports comedy)
Another movie which peers into a world that is definitely there, but not in the public consciousness in America - women's sports. Soccer, or football as the dwellers on the other side of the pond would call it. Not only that, but it takes a glimpse into Indian culture as well. A movie which does not fail to make me laugh or entertain. Not to mention two really cute lead actresses.
11. Intolerable Cruelty
George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones in a classic-styled Hollywood movie with today issues. Funny and quirky in that Coen Bros kinda way.
10. Duplex
Would you believe this would be here on my list? A forgotten Ben Stiller movie which feels like an early 90s comedy. Doesn't feel big budget, but definitely funny.
9. House of Sand and Fog
Hardly heard of it? Well check it out. A woman's home is accidentally sold to a Persian family, headed by Ben Kingsley. The two square off to supplant the other as the owner. Great drama. almost like a soap, but grounded enough so as not to come off as hokey.
8. Master and Commander
(action adventure)
An epic seafaring moving. The likes not seen since Errol Flynn. Smart yet a thriller on the ocean all in one. One of Peter Weir's best.
7. Pirates of the Caribbean
(action comedy)
Out of nowhere comes the best of the fun movies of the year. It has a superb performance by Johnny Depp and a score a look that is nearly timeless. Okay, that's an overstatement. But it's still good.
6. Finding Nemo
(animation comedy)
Another Pixar classic. Surprised? I wasn't. But at the same time, the movie has the great animation that they're known for.
5. X2: X-Men United
(action adventure)
Can a sequel be better than the original? Yes. Here's another example. Bryan Singer crafted this movie in the spirit of great sequels like Batman Returns
and Star Trek 2 the Wrath of Khan
(which this movie's plot is indebted to).
4. Lost in Translation
This movie is not like anything else that came out in '03. Deadpan humor and great acting. Modern classic that cements Sophia Coppola as an auteur to watch.
3. Big Fish
Wow. Now this is classic Tim Burton. This is what kind of film he needs to make. This is what he's good at. Nuff said. See it.
2. Love Actually
Where did this movie come from? It's one of the best romantic movies. It's not a great comedy. It's a romance. And I like it. Wow. It's a touching dramatic, romantic movie. Best blend of those two ingredients I've ever seen.
1. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
No surprise here. This movie is a superb ending to one of the greatest film epics ever. Ending on such a high note, makes this trilogy rival the original Star Wars
. One for all time.You know what? The worst aren't worth writing about.
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