20. Starsky and Hutch
Remake of the 70s show is not without its homages. Nor is without great chemistry between Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller - starring in the same movie together for the gazzillionth time. Not a bad thing at all.
19. Van Helsing
Probably the only movie from Stephen Sommers that I truly enjoy. What's not to like about seeing all of your favorite classical horror beasts in one tale. The visual effects are top notch and Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale are not bad to look at.
18. Control Room
A great look at the logic/illogic of what makes something a hard news story in the US versus the Middle East.
17. Collateral
A night following an assassin from the view of the unwilling sidekick. Michael Mann pairs Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx in this romp through the underbelly of the world of the modern lone hitman.
16. The Aviator
Scorsese and DiCaprio team up for a Bio pic movie following the eccentric and great risk-taking pioneer of aviation, Howard Hughes. Probably the first movie where Leo is clearly playing both a character with depth and an adult.
15. Maria Full of Grace
(foreign drama)
Ever wondered who these people are that traffic drugs into America? You come to discover these people do it for the same reasons people in first world movies do very risky things - desperation. Superb acting.
14. The Motorcycle Diaries
A tale of two pre-revolutionary Latin American leaders traveling South America. Not often you see a dramatic, eye-opening road trip.
13. The Chronicles of Riddick
(sci-fi action)
Yes, I'm placing a movie nominated for a Razzie or two that is a sequel to a movie I have never seen all the way though here. It's the most fun, mindless, but never numbing movie of the year. Pure, fun popcorn.
12. Hero
(foreign drama)
It's an updated version of the Japanese classic Rashoman
. Not a bad thing. Especially when Yimou Zhang is directing Jet Li , Ziyi Zhang, Tony Leung
11. Elf
I'm not sure why I never realized the awesomeness of Will Ferrell's comedy until this. His innocence is what makes this work beyond being just a holiday movie.
10. Napoleon Dynamite
It's about as dry an American comedy as you can get. It's 80s meets 00s. The main character is great along with Pedro.
9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
It's a movie that's hard to explain. Between Michel Gondry and Charlie Kaufman, that's not surprising. A most surreal and illogical film. And it's about relationship breakups and memory. Yes strangely compelling.
8. Passion of the Christ
First off, it's hard to watch. It's brutal. Having studied religious art and some passion plays, it's rather true to those origins. Not to mention the risk of doing an entire movie in Aramaic. Best cinematography of the year.
7. Super-Size Me
First time a documentary really made me think about what I eat. Yes, it's really propoganda, but you cannot help but realize how bad the fast food is on your body. This movie made me avoid McDonalds. Most of the time at least.
6. Butterfly Effect
If there was a movie that affected me personally in 2004 it was this one. I totally forgot about some incidents and people in my youth. This movie resurrected all of this. It's the best real non-comic sci-fi movie I've seen in many years. I hope this movie is not a flash in the pan for the directing duo.
5. Team America:World Police
Okay. Where do I start? Puppets. Puppets doing action movie kinds of stuff. Puppets doing stuff only Trey Parker and Matt Stone (South Park
) would dare to do. You know where I'm going. Not to mention - song of the year: America: F%$* Yeah!"
4. Spider-Man 2
Thought it couldn't get better than the original? The sequel takes great pains to look at where the drive to be a good doer comes from and the curse of being apart from loved ones. It's essentially Batman Returns
without the quirky dark turn and better storytelling.
3. The Incredibles
Pixar takes their story sensibilities to the comic book world and creates a blend of modern and 50's futuristic. It takes great fun at acknowledging some of the quirks of the superhero genre while never being less than cool.
2. Million Dollar Baby
I thought boxing movies were done. Just like a lot of people started to write off Eastwood with "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
." Easily best pure drama of the year. As always, acting and story are king.
1. Garden State
No film has ever made me fall more in love with the lead actress in a film than this one. Not to mention the quirky, offbeat Zach Braff performance. This made me actually check out Scrubs
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